Q) who gets promoted / demoted at the end of each season?
To promote healthy competition we work on the basis of two up and two down at the end of every competitive season. Unless these movements are not viable with the re entry for a new season by existing teams. If two teams have the same points, then the order is determined by goal difference.
Q) what happens if it’s raining on a match day?
The committee will make a decision by 5pm if matches are to be cancelled and rearranged. This will be communicated via
Divisional WhatsApp groups and on WINL social media shortly after 5 to allow players to get the information in time. If there is no message assume matches are going ahead. Teams are not to contact the committee directly. If the weather worsens after 5pm umpires and committee will assess the courts on arrival and deem courts playable or not.
Q) what are the points for a win?
5 points for a win
3 points for a draw
1 for 50% of goals
0 for a loss
Q) what if I need to cancel a match?
Teams wishing to cancel a match need to do so 24 hrs before the match, notifying the fixtures secretary, umpiring secretary, divisional secretary and opposing team in writing.
Umpiring fees will be refunded at the end of the season to both teams if more than 24hrs notice has been given. If notice is within 24hrs of the match start time, then the umpire fee will not be refunded to the team that has forfeited.
Q I have a medical condition that requires a piercing, how should I seek approval from the league to play?
A The player needs to submit a medical certificate to the League secretary in advance and once agreed by the league it must be covered with a headband. The player must keep a copy with them for all matches if required for inspection by the umpires.
Q What happens if a match is cancelled due to lack of umpires?
Summer league:
Umpires fees will be refunded to both teams. The match will not be rearranged.
The court is available for the original teams to use for training or a friendly game.
Winter league:
The match will be rearranged by the League. If teams wish to arrange the match directly with the other team, then they can let the league know and original umpire fees will be refunded. If league umpires are used in the re-arranged games then they will not be refunded. If teams chose to use their own courts (not Wavell) then they must cover the cost of this themselves. As the league does not get the money back from Wavell campus.
Q A player has a query about an umpire decision during a match, how can I seek clarification on the rules?
A at an interval the team captain and player may approach the umpires to seek clarification on a specific rule. Players cannot dispute a ruling but can seek clarification of a rule. For junior league the captain may approach with their coach/team manager.
Q) how far in advance do we need to register a player with the league if it is mid season?
Teams must do so 24hrs before the match, notifying the results secretary via email: [email protected].
Have a question? Unsure on a rule? Cant find what you need?
Please contact the committee below
Please contact the committee below